Aug 23, 2020
Today's episode revolves entirely around how to think about business school during a pandemic.
Ben Leiner (Darden Class of 2019) works at LinkedIn now, so he graciously shares his advice about how to network your way to an amazing job during this recession.
And Nicholas Talbott (Darden Class of 2021) talks about...
Jul 7, 2020
Brittany Hunter re-joins us to debrief how things went over the past 24 months at Vanderbilt Owen and in Microsoft's HR Trax Program. She acknowledges that her journey may have looked like pure bliss from the outside, but in reality, it was "quite the rollercoaster ride".
This episode is once again sponsored by the...
Jun 1, 2020
When Jonathan Chiquito originally came on the podcast 2 years ago, he was nervous about bringing his girlfriend Nancy from LA to Boston. Similarly, he wasn't sure if he would be able to break into his dream field of healthcare after having experienced a stroke himself.
Now, as we catch up with Jonathan, we find out that...
May 18, 2020
Two years ago, Garry McBerryhill sat down with us to share what he hoped business school at Tuck would be like. In this follow-up episode, we check in with him to hear about what it was really like.
Also, the podcast has a new sponsor -- Menlo Coaching! Menlo is one the world's best admissions consulting firms. And to...
Feb 1, 2020
Mike is one of the best learning teammates that an MBA student could ask for. He's funny, bright, and can help you see the big picture. It's no wonder he secured a full-time offer to join the Boston Consulting Group after graduating from Darden.